Lake Texoma
What We Catch
Blue Catfish
Channel Catfish
White Bass
Striped Bass
Regarded as one of the largest repositories in the United States, Lake Texoma covers a wide expanse of 89,000 acre lake on the Red River and is a hub for various kinds of fishing. Texoma comprises of over 800 campsites and 40 miles of equestrian trails. Texoma is also home for natural shorelines and magnificent beaches, some only accessible with the help of a boat. The deep and salt water of Lake Texoma ensures larger barges and ships to navigate easily. The large size of the lake also makes sure a less populous experience than most other lakes.
In Lake Texoma resides the conventional wildlife sanctuaries, the state parks and habitats, some luxurious restaurants and lodgings, various types of campgrounds, several U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-managed parks and posh golf courses. If tourists want to engage themselves in recreational activities, then they can very well involve themselves; power boating, outdoor fishing, water skiing, sailing, water surfing and other interesting sports are enlisted. The aquatic vegetation of this lake is quite not ample, with water willow, floating heart, bushy pondweed and American lotus wafting on the lake. Occasionally the appearance of blue-green algae is found on the surface. Lake Texoma striper fishing with anglers are considered to be the most exciting and exhilarating outdoor activity and every year, several adventurers enjoy this action.
There are several striper fishing guides offering guided bass fishing trips at Lake Texoma who are extremely talented and are highly aware of every minute detail regarding the lake. According to such chaperons, Lake Texoma offers some of the best striper fishing because it is a perfect striper reservoir. The reproduction requirement of the striper is quite similar to that of the lake and as a result the spawning process can originate smoothly. The freshwater of the Lake Texoma is beneficent for the striper to reproduce naturally. The fertilized eggs of the striper are drifted by the lake water currents until the process of hatching arrives. This course of action is carried out so that the newborn aren’t smothered and their growth can be smoothly continued. The striped bass (the prevalent fish species of Lake Texoma) are basically anadromous, which means that these fish live throughout their lives in the ocean, but during the time of reproduction, they make their way to the freshwater rivers.
The other prominent fish species which are often seen in the Lake Texoma are:
Spotted Bass
Blue and Channel Catfish
White Bass
Since the area coverage of Lake Texoma is huge, hence the fishing grounds are positioned on the Texas border along the Red and Washita Rivers. Every year, Lake Texoma witnesses a surging amount of tourists and fishers, coming from all over the world, to enjoy a one of a kind fishing trip in Texas. Be it a beginner or an expert angler, Lake Texoma welcomes every single person who wants to savor the moment and have a good time in fishing.
Lake Texoma is regarded as the ultimate destination for striper fishing and thus while catching some of the palatable bass stripe (which is impossible to get anywhere in the world) it is usually recommended to get a helpful guide, who can maneuver your angling positions and also provide you valuable tricks to hook some of the largest and the heaviest striper.
The striper is considered as the bulkiest member of the temperate bass family and hence a bonus for every angler, fishing in Lake Texoma. The striper can be easily differentiated from the other fish through its clear black horizontal streaks along its side, which goes in an uninterrupted way. The young fishes which are less than six inches usually don’t have the uninterrupted streaks on them; it is either broken or not present on the young ones.
The feeding habit of the striper is quite intriguing; they consume on every type of small fish and an assorted variety of invertebrates. The food for the grown-up striper includes gizzard and threadfin shad, which can be found in bounty in Lake Texoma. These striper possess a unique characteristic of drifting together in a group and all the members tend to feed at the same time. Now this situation becomes highly advantageous for any angler or fisherman, once they are able to locate the group of striper. So if you are along with a skillful guide, then you can experience one of the best fishing vacations in Texas at Lake Texoma.
In the recent years, along with striper bass, smallmouth bass too has become the most favored species in the category of sport fishing. Smallmouth bass are usually found in clear water lakes and smooth running streams and Lake Texoma becomes the perfect place for these fish. With excellent supervision and accurate devices, your fishing techniques can get brilliant and will guarantee you amazing souvenirs in the form of smallmouth bass.
Contact us.
Reel Easy Fishing
14584 Arrowhead Point Rd
Kingston, OK 73439
Click to Call (580) 221-3482 or Click to Text (580) 221-3482
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